Paramotor / Freestyle
Snake 3 on uusin versiomme lippulaiva-Slalom-siivestämme. Parasta suorituskykyä ilman kompromisseja.
Snake 3 on haastava slalom siipi parhaille kisapiloteille. Se on erittäin nopea sekä dynaaminen ja sillä on erinomainen kyky vastustaa ruttauksia.
Suunnittelu- ja testausprosessi kestivät ennätykselliset viisi vuotta. Se otti paljon aikaa ja vaivaa, jotta pääsimme suunnittelussa päämääriimme ja saimme tehtyä siiven ilman kompromisseja.
Tänä aikana Snake 3 siipeä testattiin määrätietoisesti maailman parhaimpien slalompilottien toimesta. He saavuttivat erinomaisia tuloksia, voittaen usein PF1 ja PL1 luokkia.
Snake 3 siipeä suositellaan piloteille jotka ovat tutustuneet Drift Air-luokan tai vaativimpiin siipiin. Kokeneet pilotit tulevat arvostamaan Snake 3 siipeä kehittyneenä ja tarkkana työkaluna joka auttaa heitä voittaman kilpailuja.
Snake 3 siipi on rakenteellisesti samanlainen kuin Drift Air, mutta sen muut parametrit ovat samankaltaisia kuin edeltäjässään - Snake XX siivessä. Tässä ovat tärkeimmät uudet suunnittelu-elementit:
- LE3D - etureunan 3D suunnittelu
- Uusi aerodynaaminen profiili
- Modifoitu sivusuhde
- Uudet kantoliinat joiden Speedsysteemeistä saa enemmän nopeutta ulos
- Modifioitu punosten ripustus
- Optimoidut punosten kiinnityskohdat siivessä
- Jarrupunosten kiinnityskohtien muutokset
Etureunan 3D systeemi antaa Aerodynaamisesti puhtaamman ja rypyttömämmän kankaan sinne missä sitä eniten tarvitaan. Ilmanvastus pienenee ja noste suurenee.
Muutokset punosten kiinnityspisteisiin lisäsivät takareunan stabiliteettiä suurilla nopeuksilla.
Nämä elementit, yhdessä tarkkaan harkitun profiilin ja sivusuhteen kanssa, loivat yhtenäisen rakenteen, joka täytti kaikki suunnittelukriteerit.
Enemmän rakenne-yksityiskohtia
- Shark-nose (SN) on the leading edge takes care of better aerodynamics of this part of the canopy, as well as higher inner pressure at wide range of the attack angles (meaning airspeed).
- The leading edge is stiffened with synthetic rods of the FET (Flexi Edge Technology), distinctly improving launch quality and guarding against collapses at high speeds.
- In addition Leading Edge 3D system enables a better real representation of the aerodynamic profile and reduces the amount of wrinkles on the fabric in the most important place in terms of lift and air resistance.
- The design features also other effective methods of canopy loads distribution, mediated by most modern sewing technologies.
- Four rows of suspension lines are joined at the risers, equipped with compact yet very efficient tools like trimmers, speed and Power Attack (PA) system.
- Steering system of the DriftAir is our well known, original solution of 2D steering, this time with new adjustable CHR handle, combining features of both the TCT and TST (Tip Steering Toggle).
- As per our standard, the risers are equipped with three optional positions for the steering pulleys and magnets to choose from. Thanks to all these features, steering operation is straightforward and intuitive.
- Obviously, in some powerpack/canopy configurations considerable amount of torque can appear. To counter this, there is proven in our Warp an automatic TEA system (Torque Effect Adjuster). It works on its own after placing the line on proper side, depending on the torque direction.
- Due to the small number of lines, they were carefully selected to obtain the lowest possible air resistance, while ensuring high strength and resistance to stretching. The upper layer lines, attached to the wing's suspension points are unsheathed, in the lower layers we use regular sheathed lines.
Snake 3 is manufactured entirely in Europe, at our Polish plant, so that we have total control over its sophisticated production process (using among else the advanced LT (Laser Technology) cutting.
Design solutions, technologies and other functionalities are listed below in the Technologies section.

Snake 3 – sizes | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 20 | 22 |
Approval – ULM identification | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending | pending | oczekuje |
Number of cells | 60 | ||||||
Surface area (flat) [m2] | 14.00 | 15.00 | 16.00 | 17.00 | 18.00 | 20.00 | 22.00 |
Surface area (projected) [m2] | 12.16 | 13.02 | 13.89 | 14.76 | 15.63 | 17.36 | 19.1 |
Span (flat) [m] | 8,97 | 9.28 | 9.59 | 9.88 | 10.17 | 10.72 | 11.3 |
Span (projected) [m] | 7.35 | 7.61 | 7.86 | 8.1 | 8.33 | 8.78 | 9.21 |
Aspect Ratio (flat) | 5.80 | ||||||
Aspect Ratio (projected) | 4.44 | ||||||
Speed* [km/h] | min = 30 ; trim = 44-62 ; max = 77 (+/- 3 km/h)* | ||||||
Distance pilot to wing [m] | 5.23 | 5.41 | 5.59 | 5.76 | 5.93 | 6.25 | 6.78 |
Total line lenght [m] | 244,1 | 257.27 | 266.14 | 274.73 | 283.08 | 299.10 | 308.95 |
Total take-off weight** [kg] | 65 – 85** | 70 – 90** | 80 – 100** | 90 – 110** | 100 – 120** | 110 – 135** | 120 – 150** |
Max take-off weight – for experienced*** [kg] | 115*** | 120*** | 130*** | 140*** | 150*** | 160*** | 175*** |
Distance betwen risers [cm] | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 | 45 |
Weight [kg] | 3.78 | 3.95 | 4.08 | 4.30 | 4.45 | 4.80 | 5.13 |
Lines | A-8000U: 050; 070; 090; 130; 190 / Technora: 140 & 190 & 280 / Dyneema: 350 | ||||||
Fabric | Porcher Sport 38 g/m2; Dominico tex 34 g/m2; Porcher Hard 40 g/m2; SR Scrim, SR Laminate 180 g/m2 |
* Speeds are given as estimated for the middle wing size and the middle of its weight range. These speeds can vary within +/- 3 km / h depending on the size, take-off weight and additional factors such as air pressure and temperature.
** The basic rule is to choose the size of the wing so that the take-off weight is in the middle of the weight range. Less weight on the wing (lower range take-off weight) can be considered for foot take-off, when flying in calmer conditions, or when we want to improve economy. More experienced pilots who want to fly dynamically, have higher speed and fly in more demanding wind conditions can consider greater wing loading (take-off weight in the upper range). This is a common option among trike users.
*** Note - the canopy significantly changes its behavior with increasing wing loading. The greater the loads, the greater skill and concentration of the pilot are required.